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Consultez notre F.A.Q. pour avoir des réponses à vos questions, contactez-nous via le chat en bas à droite ou rejoignez le Discord pour avoir l'aide de la communauté.

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Vous avez un problème au studio ?

Pour une prise en charge plus rapide et complète, veuillez d'abord contacter le numéro d'assistance situé en bas de votre réservation.

Consulter mes réservations

The answer to your questions

Is it possible to book by the hour?

Absolutely, the vast majority of our studios are available to book by the hour. You can book directly on the studio page.

Only a few studios are reserved for subscribers, and this is always noted on the studio’s page. You can find more information about our subscriptions here.

What equipment do you have?

You can find the technical specifications for each studio on their respective pages. It will also list the essential equipment you need to bring, depending on the type of studio.

Do you have sound engineers?

Our studios being 100% autonomous, they are rented without sound engineering services. So you will have to come with, or be your own sound engineer.

Where can I find information on your subscriptions?

Find all information about our prices and subscriptions on our Pricing page.

Still have questions? Write to us on the chat or on our social networks.

You can also call us directly at 33 7 57 59 64 66

Pour toute autre demande

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